You are going to see from this card and from the ones below Ogdens were pretty keen on the horse theme and I am not going to be one to complain. The jockey sets in particular have a real quality of image, these are paintings of jockeys there is no other description of them really. Excellent. |
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Ogdens, Jockeys, 1930 [1930]T |
Here is another example of the Ogdens art. What can I say. It is nice to see the jockeys getting some of the limelight so often they are considered no more than ballast and more recently as a device for ensuring the correct result of the race. Cut your bets down by a few quid a day and treat yourself to one of these sets, they are surefire winners. |
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Ogdens, Jockeys and owners colours [1927] |
Ogdens have moved on, everything but the jockey, horse and silks illustrated here and as you would expect from the title of the series some of the best horses around during the period. Unfortunately the scans do not do justice to the depth of detail on the card but come on am I in the business of selling scans? |
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Ogdens, Prominent Racehorses of 1933 [1934] |
Early set and it is a credit to Ogdens issues in the 1920's that this high quality card does ot show up the general reduction in detail that occured as the mass marketing of all things got under way. The reverse of the card is almost as artistic as the front which while nice does rob you of the great descriptions of the cards. It is a trade-off really, early cards just did not have many words on the back, its a shame but true. Still doesn't stop you looking up the information yourself if you do not already know who Herbert Jones and all the others that appear on this set are. |
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Ogdens, Owners Racing Colours & Jockeys [1906] |
This set has a page devoted to it (click the image to take you there) This is another one that does exactly what it says on the title. It is a great set of cards. The white background can give plenty of headaches for the card dealer trying to get the highest quality cards possible but don't worry I spend a lot of time nursing headaches for you all. Please see the page on this one it gives you some idea of just how rich as source of information cards can be. |
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Players, Derby & Grand National Winners [1933] 50 cards |