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Players cigarette card prices

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Actors & Actresses


1897 50 Actresses 1100 1760
1929 1 Advertisement Card-Sailor 5 8
1929 L1 Advertisement Card-Sailor 17 27
1936 L1 Advertisement Card-Wants List 1 1.6
1935 50 Aeroplanes (Eire) 65 104
1935 50 Aeroplanes (Civil) 50 80
1938 50 Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 50 80
1914 X10 Allied Cavalry 80 128
1930 L24 A Nature Calendar 72 115
1939 50 Animals of the Countryside 10 16
1939 50 Animals of the Countryside (Eire) 42 67
1932 L25 Aquarium Studies 40 64
1927 L25 Architectural Beauties 50 80
1909 50 Arms & Armour (Blue Back) 112 180
1924 50 Army Corps & Divisional Signs (1-50 2 Printings) 17 27
1925 100 Army Corps & Divisional Signs 2nd (51-150) 40 64
1910 25 Army Life 42 67
1917 X12 Artillery in Action 51 81
1932 50 A Sectional Map of Ireland 115 184
1930 50 Association Cup Winners 85 136
1933 50 Aviary & Cage Birds 40 64
1933 50 Aviary & Cage Birds (Transfers) 15 24
1935 L25 Aviary & Cage Birds 85 136
1903 50 Badges & Flags of British Regiments(Green Back) 90 144
1904 50 Badges & Flags of British Regiments(Brown Back Numbered) 90 144
1904 50 Badges & Flags of British Regiments(Brown Back Unnumbered) 110 176
1937 50 Birds & Their Young 9 15
1937 50 Birds & Their Young (Eire)(Adhesive) 42 67
1937 50 Birds & Their Young (Eire)(Non-Adhesive) 42 67
Unis 25 Birds & Their Young (Non-Adhesive) 7 12
Unis 25 Birds & Their Young 2nd (Non-Adhesive) 4 7
1902 K1 Bookmark (Calendar Back) 110 176
1900 PF10 Bookmarks (Authors) 600 960
1934 25 Boxing (Eire) 150 240
1933 50 Boy Scout & Girl Guide 17 27
1933 50 Boy Scout & Girl Guide (Transfers) 12 19
1934 L25 British Butterflies 100 160
1904 50 British Empire Series 60 96
1915 25 British Live Stock 60 96
1923 X25 British Live Stock (Blue Back) 75 120
1916 X25 British Live Stock (Brown Back) 80 128
1939 L25 British Naval Craft 25 40
1925 X20 British Pedigree Stock 65 104
1937 L25 British Regalia 25 40
1932 50 Butterflies 50 80
1932 50 Butterflies (Transfers) 15 24
1904 50 Butterflies & Moths 85 136
1914 25 Bygone Beauties 30 48
1916 X10 Bygone Beauties 42 67
1895 20 Castles Abbeys etc (No Border) 500 800
1895 20 Castles Abbeys etc (White Border) 460 736
1936 L24 Cats 168 269
1903 50 Celebrated Bridges 125 200
1909 50 Celebrated Gateways 67 107
1911 25 Ceremonial & Court Dress 40 64
1936 L25 Championship Golf Courses 187 300
1912 25 Characters from Dickens A Series (1-25) 50 80
1912 25 Characters from Dickens 2nd Series (26-50) 50 80
1923 50 Characters from Dickens (Re-issue) 65 104
1914 X10 Characters from Dickens 50 80
1933 L25 Characters from Fiction 85 136
1913 25 Characters from Thackeray 32 51
1900 50 Cities of the World 180 288
1928 L20 Clocks-Old & New 95 152
1917 25 Colonial & Indian Army Badges 27 43
1937 50 Coronation Series - Ceremonial Dress 10 16
1914 25 Counties & Their Industries (Numbered) 45 72
1914 25 Counties & Their Industries (Unnumbered) 45 72
1905 50 Countries Arms & Flags (Thick Card) 40 64
1912 50 Countries Arms & Flags (Thin Card) 50 80
1909 50 Country Seats & Arms (1-50) 35 56
1910 50 Country Seats & Arms 2nd (51-100) 35 56
1910 50 Country Seats & Arms 3rd (101-150) 35 56
1930 L25 Country Sports 135 216
1930 50 Cricketers 1930 70 112
1934 50 Cricketers 1934 60 96
1938 50 Cricketers 1938 50 80
1926 50 Cricketers Caricatures by "RIP" 85 136
1913 25 Cries of London A Series 45 72
1912 X10 Cries of London A Series 42 67
1914 X10 Cries of London 2nd Series 32 51
1916 25 Cries of London 2nd Series (Blue Back) 20 32
1929 50 Curious Beaks 40 64
1939 50 Cycling 40 64
1939 50 Cycling (Eire) (Non-Adhesive) 65 104
1932 50 Dandies 15 24
1932 L25 Dandies 45 72
unis 50 Decorations & Medals 95 152
1933 50 Derby & Grand National Winners 80 136
1933 50 Derby & Grand National Winners (Transfers) 20 34
1925 50 Dogs (Scenic Background) 45 72
1924 X12 Dogs (Scenic Background) 36 61
1931 50 Dogs by Wardle (Full Length) 40 68
1931 50 Dogs by Wardle (Transfers) 15 25
1933 L25 Dogs by Wardle (Full Length) 62 100
1929 50 Dogs by Wardle (Heads) 45 72
1926 L20 Dogs by Wardle A Series (Heads) 52 83
1928 L20 Dogs by Wardle 2nd Series (Heads) 52 83
1927 25 Dogs by Wardle A Series (Eire) (Heads) 45 76
1929 25 Dogs by Wardle 2nd Series (Eire) (Heads) 45 76
unis 50 Dogs' Heads by Biegel 60 96
unis L25 Dogs (Heads) 40 68
1940 50 Dogs' Heads (Silver Background Eire) 150 240
1924 50 Drum Banners & Cap Badges (2 Printings) 37 63
1912 25 Egyptian Kings & Queens & Classical Deities 45 72
1915 X10 Egyptian Sketches 35 59
1898 25 England's Military Heroes (Narrow) 685 1164
1898 25 England's Military Heroes (Wide) 935 1589
1898 25 England's Military Heroes (Narrow Plain Back) 685 1164
1898 25 England's Military Heroes (Wide Plain Back) 935 1590
1897 25 England's Naval Heroes (Non-Descriptive Narrow) 600 960
1897 25 England's Naval Heroes (Non-Descriptive Wide) 875 1487
1898 25 England's Naval Heroes (Descriptive Narrow) 600 960
1898 25 England's Naval Heroes (Descriptive Wide) 875 1487
1900 25 Everyday Phrases (by Tom Browne) 350 560
1927 L25 Fables of Aesop 55 93
1900 20 Famous Authors & Poets (Narrow) 360 576
1900 20 Famous Authors & Poets (Wide) 500 850
1937 L25 Famous Beauties 40 68
1936 50 Famous Irish-Bred Horses 160 256
1935 50 Famous Irish Greyhounds 250 425
1913 X10 Famous Paintings 32 54
1934 50 Film Stars 55 88
1934 50 Film Stars 2nd Series 45 72
1934 50 Film Stars 2nd Series (Eire) 80 136
1938 50 Film Stars 3rd Series 40 68
1934 L25 Film Stars 75 120
1934 L25 Film Stars (Eire) 150 255
1930 50 Fire-Fighting Appliances 70 119
1903 50 Fishes of the World 85 144
1928 50 Flags of the League of Nations 20 34
1927 50 Football Caricatures by "MAC" 60 102
1926 50 Footballers Caricatures by "RIP" 60 102
1928 50 Footballers 1928 80 128
1929 25 Footballers 1928-9 2nd Series 37 60
1933 50 Fresh-Water Fishes (Pink Back) 55 93
1934 50 Fresh-Water Fishes (White Back) 70 112
1935 L25 Fresh-Water Fishes 62 100
1935 L25 Fresh Water Fishes (Eire Non-Adhesive) 125 212
1926 25 From Plantation to Smoker 6 10.2
1896 50 Gallery of Beauty Series 1000 1700
1927 50 Game Birds & Wild Fowl 65 110.5
1928 L25 Game Birds & Wild Fowl 110 176
1917 25 Gems of British Scenery 15 25.5
1925 50 Gilbert & Sullivan A Series 50 85
1926 X25 Gilbert & Sullivan A Series 80 128
1927 50 Gilbert & Sullivan 2nd Series 50 85
1928 L25 Gilbert & Sullivan 2nd Series 85 136
1939 L25 Golf 187 318
1929 25 Hidden Beauties 5 8
1907 25 Highland Clans 85 136
1934 50 Hints on Association Football 35 56
1910 X10 Historic Ships 40 68
1930 50 History of Naval Dress 50 85
1929 L25 History of Naval Dress 50 85
1936 50 Intemational Air Liners 20 34
1927 25 Irish Place Names A Series' 50 85
1929 25 Irish Place Names 2nd Series 50 85
1960 M5 Jubilee Issue 6 10.2
1935 50 Kings & Queens of England 70 112
1935 L50 Kings & Queens of England 125 212
1905 50 Life on Board a Man of War-1805 & 1905 90 153
1925 25 Live Stock 85 136
1931 50 Military Head-Dress 80 85
1900 50 Military Series 900 1440
1938 50 Military Uniforms of the British Empire Overseas 40 68
1923 25 Miniatures 10 17
1939 50 Modern Naval Craft 25 40
1939 50 Modern Naval Craft(Eire) 40 68
1936 50 Motor Cars A Series 60 102
1936 50 Motor Cars A Series (Eire) 100 170
1937 50 Motor Cars 2nd Series 45 76
1925 L20 Mount Everest 55 88
1916 25 Napoleon 42 67
1936 50 National Flags & Arms 20 34
1936 50 National Flags & Arms (Eire) 37 63
1924 50 Natural History 12 20
1924 X12 Natural History 12 20
1924 X12 Natural History 2nd Series 12 20
1909 50 Nature Series 60 96
1908 X10 Nature Series (Birds) 85 144
1913 X10 Nature Series (Mammals) 40 68
1898 50 Old England's Defenders 850 1360
1938 L25 Old Hunting Prints 75 120
1936 L25 Old Naval Prints 60 96
1924 X25 Old Sporting Prints 75 128
1929 L25 Picturesque Bridges 65 104
1929 L25 Picturesque Cottages 65 104
1931 L25 Picturesque London 90 144
1916 25 Players Past & Present 22 35
1915 25 Polar Exploration A Series 50 80
1916 25 Polar Exploration 2nd Series 40 64
1930 L25 Portals of the Past 50 85
1931 50 Poultry 80 128
1931 50 Poultry (Transfers) 15 25
1908 25 Products of the World 15 25
1928 50 Products of the World (Different) 10 17
1926 25 Racehorses 125 212
1925 40 Racing Caricatures 30 48
1938 L25 Racing Yachts 85 136
1937 50 RAF Badges (No Motto) 30 51
1937 50 RAF Badges (With Motto) 30 51
1907 50 Regimental Colours & Cap Badges (Regulars) 50 85
1910 50 Regimental Colours & Cap Badges (Territorials Blue Back) 50 85
1910 50 Regimental Colours & Cap Badges (Territorials Brown Back) 50 85
1930 50 Regimental Standards & Cap Badges 32 54
1912 50 Regimental Uniforms (Blue Back) 90 153
1914 50 Regimental Uniforms (Brown Back) 90 153
1914 X10 Regimental Uniforms (Different) 70 119
1913 50 Regimental Uniforms 2nd Series (51-100) 50 85
1905 50 Riders of the World 75 127
1935 50 Sea Fishes 15 25
1938 50 Screen Celebrities (Eire) 85 136
1917 25 Shakespearean Series 25 40
1926 L20 Ship-Models 48 82
unis 50 Shipping 65 110
1912 25 Ships' Figure-Heads {2 Printings) 45 76
1931 L25 Ships' Figure-Heads 42 71
1930 L8 Snap Cards 50 85
1937 50 Speedway Riders 80 136
1926 50 Straight Line Caricatures 25 40
1923 25 Struggle for Existence (2 Printings) 5 8
1936 50 Tennis 45 76
1929 L25 The Nation's Shrines 50 85
1937 X1 The Royal Family 2 3
1901 P6 The Royal Family 240 408
1916 25 Those Pearls of Heaven 30 48
1930 25 Treasures of Ireland 40 68
1939 L25 Types of Horses 90 144
1939 50 Uniforms of the Territorial Army 45 76
1902 50 Useful Plants & Fruits 85 136
1914 25 Victoria Cross 55 88
1927 90 War Decorations & Medals 60 96
1931 50 Wild Animals' Heads 30 51
1927 50 Wild Animals' Heads (Transfers Series of 50) 20 34
1932 L25 Wild Animals (Heads) A Series 40 68
1932 L25 Wild Animals (Heads) 2nd Series 40 68
1901 45 Wild Animals of the World (Narrow) (With Ltd) 207 352
1901 45 Wild Animals of the World (Narrow) ("Branch") 207 352
1901 50 Wild Animals of the World (Wide) (No Ltd) 120 204
1901 50 Wild Animals of the World (Wide) (With Ltd) 115 195
1901 50 Wild Animals of the World (Wide) ("Branch") 212 361
1932 50 Wild Birds 20 34
1932 50 Wild Birds (transfers) 15 25
1934 L25 Wild Birds 65 110
1937 L25 Wildfowl 70 119
1904 50 Wonders of the Deep 80 128
1916 25 Wonders of the World (Blue Back) 15 25
1926 25 Wonders of the World (Grey Back Eire) 30 51
1908 X10 Wooden Walls 50 85
1913 25 Wrestling & Ju-Jitsu (Blue Back) 50 80
1925 25 Wrestling & Ju-Jitsu (Grey Back Eire) 37 77
1932 26 Your Initials (Transfers) 13 22
1938 L25 Zoo Babies 12 20

Date: The Year the cards were issued.

No. in Set.
L1 =1 Large card

X10 = 10 Extra Large cards

P1 = 1 Postcard size card

F = Photo set
The prices quoted here are catalogue prices to help you value sets you have. I will sell every set here for less than catalogue price. Find out how much less by filling in the form