For more formal occasion, Sir Francis Stanley Jackson, P.C, G.C.I.E.
A well-liked player he also had more than his fair share of ability.
In the 1894 Wisden was included as one of the 'Five All-Rounders' mentioned.
Lord Hawke wrote in 1932, 'Our greatest amatuer was undoubtedly Stanley Jackson.'
He was of course in great demand for the Gentleman against Players matches of the time.
He was a good sport, not averse to applauding his own dismissal if to a particularly great bit of cricket from the opposition.
In 1921 he was made President of the MCC in the days when this was not devalued currency.
In 1927 he was the victim of a failed assasination attempt in Calcutta when five shots were levelled at him whilst he addressed a public meeting.
In 1940 he was bombed out of his home.
In 1946 he was run over by a taxi and suffered severe leg injuries. This shortening his life somewhat and undeservedly.